One of my favourite trends at the moment is the military trend. Army green is a great colour and I find you can wear it with anything! When I was about 14 and just realising what shopping was, I saved up all my babysitting money and went into town to buy myself an outfit! The whole thing came from Crisis (shudder!) but I loved it! It was beige combats and an army green style military jacket! I thought I was so cool!! Anyway I hope to get a jacket soon that is remotely like this Balmain one I've pictured above. It is to die for!
Boots -Giuseppe Zanotti
Jacket- Balmain
Hat & Vest - Topshop
Emma xx
Love this trend too!! They have some awesome stuff in Zara at the moment!!Did every girl go through a stage of wanting to look like an army woman?! I thought it was only me when i was about 12 i insisted on buying army trousers i wanted army boots too somebody stopped me!- criiinge haha!!